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To presently details

To presently details
It assumes that as for conception itself of this project YOSHIKI had from around 1991. At the beginning having been done the viewpoint of the solo project of YOSHIKI, attention focuses X JAPAN dispersion later 1997 that when materializes on. But 1998, YOSHIKI knocks down mentally with the passing away of hide, project itself extends to the extension.

But, music production of project in order to be always done, the American movie “in god's hands” (1998, [zaruman] king supervision) offers “sane” with the VIOLET UK name. In addition, you perform to the corporate identity CM of seven eleventh Japanese corporate body personally in 2000, use the music “Blind Dance” of VIOLET UK “The Other Side” and so on in CM music.

With “THE LAST LIVE VIDEO” of X JAPAN which is sold 2002 spring, with the rust with image of the promotion in Korea & Seoul “VIOLET UK COMING SOON!”With the telop which is said entered, furthermore was done on end of year of the same year “YOSHIKI Symphonic Concert 2002 featuring VIOLET UK” (Tokyo international forum) with, the music of VIOLET UK several tunes is announced with [okesutoravuajiyon] where also the vocal enters.

Even at that time as for recording being continued, as for the music which is produced so far it exceeds 300 tunes.

After all, after YOSHIKI itself holding conception, 14 year thing time it passed, it was announced that finally 2005 September 22nd (as for = September 22nd X JAPAN dispersion day) you debut. By the way, the cost which depended on the recording of VIOLET UK already exceeds 1,200,000,000 Yen, (from YOSHIKI itself speech in “court program of 2005 June 26th broadcast TV Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd. type SOLOMON”).

But, September 22 daily allowance when is the expectation which is debut day, there is no release of the album which at the beginning is planned, YOSHIKI substantial debut postponement with itself Mobile sight “YOSHIKI mobile” announcing the comment which is taken. In addition simultaneously, it transmitted with charge in a way which TEST MIX calls music “SEX of the VIOLET UK name & RELIGION” to iTunes Music Store.

After all “it started”, but the fan had expected, there is a for and against both theory even between the fans where “debut (= album release)” it does not do and with have become the vague result which is said, long time are made wait.

In 2006 April, at the American popularity sound source open sight Myspace, YOSHIKI itself announced the sound source of VIOLET UK.

The source: the free encyclopedia 『Wikipedia』From quotation



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To presently details Origin of project name “VIOLET UK” VIOLET UK Postponement of VIOLET UK debut

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